Digital Concept Art Image depicting the nourishing impact of Pulses for People and Soil Fertility in Sub Saharan Africa

Celebrating The Power of Pulses to Nourish Soils and People

Digital concept art image interpretation of the theme of Pulses and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub Saharan Africa

1. Pulses and Sustainable Agriculture

Pulses are a cornerstone for environmentally sustainable agriculture due to their ability to biologically fix atmospheric nitrogen and enhance the biological turnover of phosphorus. They play a significant role in regenerative agriculture and bioremediation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, contributing significantly to the recovery of depleted land, and enhancing crop production, and food security

Key Fact: An estimated 65% of the arable land in Sub-Saharan Africa is degraded due to unsustainable practices, resulting in annual soil nutrient losses worth approximately US$4 billion. High-performing legumes or pulse crops can fix up to 300kg of nitrogen per hectare.

Digital concept art image showing Pulses re-energizing a malnourished person.

2. Pulses and Malnutrition

The population of the African continent is predicted to double by 2050, exacerbating malnutrition issues. Increased local consumption of pulses could significantly impact malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Key Fact: Local production of pulses in Sub Saharan Africa is expected to reach around 19.8 million metric tons by 2029 potentially improving nutritional health through increased local consumption. 

Digital art image showing a man working in a polyhouse for the cultivation and drying of pulses in Africa.

3. Greenhouse Production of Pulses

Pulse varieties such as cowpea, mung bean, and lentils are suitable for greenhouse conditions. This alternative production method can deliver increased yields, reduced water usage, and improved crop quality, which are critical success factors in pulse production.

Key Fact: Some completed projects across the globe demonstrate the feasibility of cultivating pulses like lentils and mug bean in polyhouses

Considering a Greenhouse Pulse Project?

Interested in a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Developing a Greenhouse Pulse Project? Make a charge-free inquiry using our consultation form on

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